Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

This Is Embarrassing

So the other night, after a concert that I went to with my family, we were driving home in my dad's station wagon.  Unfortunately, there were 6 people in the car and so instead of smushing into the back seat, we decided to use that stupid seat in the trunk that faces the wrong direction.  Awesome.  Last week I feel like a 4 year old when I found out I was teething. This week I feel like a 10 year old, facing the wrong way in the back of my dad's car.  Let me tell you, it sucks back there. 

First of all, I dunno if you've actually seen that seat back there, but it's literally about 2 inches thick.  So after about 5 minute, your ass is absolutely killing you.  Second, theres no leg room what so ever.  My knees were like up against the back window.  Unfortunately, they weren't high enough to keep my face protected from the people driving behind us.  For some reason, every person driving behind us that night was between 18-30 years old so they were all flashing their high beams, waving and laughing.  My cousin was pretty brave, she was waving back and practically having conversations with them.  I refused to even look up.  No way I'm making eye contact with anyone while I face backwards in a station wagon.  Then to top it all off, by the time I got home, I was so car sick I could barely stand up. One of the worst 20 minute rides of my life.


  1. HAHAHAAHHAHHAAA omg i was nauseous all nighttt. so funnny though!

  2. ZzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ
