Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Prior to 3 AM

I wrote this post at about 12 AM last night.  It was accurate at that point in the night.  

We had a party last night and it was awesome but literally, there was nothing that happened that was worth blogging about. This is going to be the most boring blog ever. I can't believe ur still reading. Stop. Seriously. There's no point on continuing. I know ur thinking to yourself,  "Well there's so much text after this, he must eventually make a point." Well ur wrong. Its not gonna happen.  I'm going to keep typing and talking about how nothing is going to happen in this post until you stop reading.  I wonder if you're still reading.  I bet you are, aren't you.  Isn't it so funny, I'm telling you not to read this because its so boring but you refuse to listen.  It's like an addiction, you have to finish reading this post or else you'll spend the rest of your life wondering what I said.  Well, now you know.  I said nothing.

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