Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Friday, December 4, 2009


So tonight I went out with a couple of friends to a bar. I didn't have a ride home so my plan was to end up with this girl and hopefully get a ride home with her.  I entered the first bar that night with the friends that I arrived with.  I didn't end up talking to any of them during the night as they were all a little preoccupied so I left. I went to meet this "other girl" who ended up at Stackers. I headed over to Stackers to meet this girl. I walked in and didn't see her so, like a cool guy I ordered a vodka and tonic (I'm watching my calorie intake). So anyway, I order that drink and I continue roaming through the bar. I end up finding my "friend.". She's flirting with some guy and you know what? I actually don't care. I just say hey its college. So I do a lap and as I come back around she finds me. She hugs me like a normal friend and we exchange pleasantries and the night is progressing as I expected. I blink my eyes, and the next thing I know she is making out with that guy she was flirting with earlier. That's fun.  I didn't feel like talking to her anymore understandably so I began walking home. WELL GUESS WHAT! I JUST REALIZED LIKE AN IZIOT, I LEFT MY CC AT THE OTHER BAR.  I walked back to that bar, got my CC and I started my 3 mile journey home at 12:45. Yay. Oh haha holy shit. I just saw the girl who was making out with that guy earlier. She waved to me as if we were still friends. That's funny.I just got home. Its  1:45. What a good night.

Morning Update: I just looked it up. It really was 3 miles.  That sucks for me.


  1. hahhahah omg add thats so funnyy!! ahhahaha i wanna hear about the walk homee.. like did anyone beep at youuu or like what were u thinking about during the 3 mile walkk!!!!! hahahahah i cant stop laughing picturing thisss

  2. im from Alaska- i view your blog... is that ok?

  3. ur from alaska or ur in alaska? big difference.

  4. oh ahah ur right.. im in Alaska, Padula Alaska, - from in same diff. Anyways i think your blogs amazing-

    hahah just kidding tis me tis me Maria

  5. ya I know. its you maria. you called me add and ur the only person whose keyboard sticks that much.

  6. hhahhah awww i really thought i tricked u and i wanted to keep going but i felt bad...
    anyways wicked funny story.

  7. hahaha, this is hilarious...well, cousin, I actually felt sorry for you in the story...and I would have liked to punch that girl in the face like you did when you hit the 704... but the comments part is very funny. haha
