Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Invisible Study Buddy

I'm pulling out a classic!  Back when I was at Tufts, there were these study rooms that were reserved for groups, and people would get pissed if someone was in there by themselves.  Well, me being me, I need to have constant distractions while I'm doing work, so I liked to watch TV, listen to music, light off fire crackers, wrestle and do magic tricks, and what better place to do those than in a study room.  So I had to figure out how to keep people from getting mad at me.  Boom! Just make someone up.  So whenever I went to the library, I made sure to have at least 2 or 3 of everything.  I would sit down and set myself up.  Then I would pull out all my doubles and set up a second work space for "my friend who is just trying to find a book."  Apparently "my friend" has no idea how to use the Dewey Decimal system because he spent all his time in the library looking for books.

Well I've started doing that again.  At the Isenberg School of Management, we have rooms called break out rooms, where we can break out of class and go into these rooms and study.  For some reason, every time I think of the break out rooms, I picture our class room doors opening and entire class rushes out dancing in kind of a Jets v. Sharks, West Side Story motif.  (if you need to know what I'm talking about, go to 1:50 in this video clip.)  Anyway! People are always coming around trying to kick people out, saying we need this for a group study project.  F that! I need this room so I can watch Monk as I write my paper.  So to my left, I have set up the following work station for "my friend."

1. Open text book with a pen saving a spot on a different page
2. Notebook open to a page already written on
3. Half empty bottle of water
4. My jacket over the back of the seat
5. Chair pushed out as if someone had been sitting there and got up
6. Keys
7. Chapstick

They don't have a chance.  "Are you gonna be in here long?" "Ya, me and my friend are writing a 4,000 page research paper, I have no clue where we went, but we'll be here all night.  Bite my bird."  Then they leave, badda bing badda boom.

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