Are people with BO following me around? I don't get it. Do they think I have a lufa and some body wash that they can borrow and use to remove the stench of friendlessness? I'm still at Barnes and Noble and this guy just sat about 4 feet from me. Weirdly enough tho, it seems as tho his BO sat directly on my lap and kissed me on the lips. If this wasn't bad enough, he's weird on top of it. He sat down with 5 books and 4 magazines. Oh, holdon, these two stories are coming together. One of the books is called "the divorce remedy." If the author of the book knew this man the table of contents would be as follows:
Chapter 1
Take a shower.
Chapter 2
Do it again
Chapter 3
Stop following Adam
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
What the hell is a table of context?