Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Story Time: Worst Blackout Ever

So, this took place about a year ago, maybe longer.  I went out with some friends of mine in Brighton.  We went out to the Joshua Tree and we were having an absolute blastie.  During the night, of course, I took some shots of tequila, and if you read Tequila and Me, you would know that that is never a good idea for me.  Anyway, we were doing the usual, starting dance circles and booing girls that took too long in the circle.  As the night progressed I got drunker and drunker.  Eventually, I realized that my friends had all left the bar without me so I ran upstairs and hailed a cab.  I took the cab back to my friends place in Brighton and that's where the story gets interesting...

I woke up the next morning not sure where I was.  One of my friends was standing in the door and asked me where I went last night.  I told him that they left me at the bar and I took a cab home.  He then responded, "We never left.  We watched you walk right by us and get into a cab."  Oh, well I'm sure that's happened to people before, watevs.

I go downstairs and one of the girls who was living there was sitting on the couch and asked me, "So are you going to clean that up?"  This is where I got a bit nervous because I had no clue what she was referring to.  I asked her to explain further and she said, "You seriously don't remember?  Go up stairs and look in Bleepblop's (name change) room, which was the room I slept in.  As I'm walking up the stairs I'm thinking, ok where did I throw up?  I look around the room, and don't see any vomit what so ever. Then something caught my eye.

Her laundry basket was filled to the top with folded clothes, but something was off.  I strolled over only to notice that they were all soaking wet.  And then I notice that she has two drawers in her dresser open and empty.  Shit.

Yup. That's right.  I took a cab home by myself.  Went upstairs.  Opened her drawers. And peed all over her clean clothes.  Oh and then passed out in her bed, forcing her to have a friend come pick her up so she could sleep at her house.  I literally can't think of a worse thing that I could've done.  Except peeing in the other 4 drawers of course.  Tequila + Me = Not so awesome guy.

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