Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Friday, January 15, 2010

Throwback #1

Way back when writing notes on Facebook was cool for like two weeks, I kinda did a little semi blogging and I'd like to take some time and share those with you in case you missed it.  I'd like to kick it off with the classic and ever popular 25 Things About Me.

1. I'm not a follower.
3. I don't conform to social norms.
2. I'm numerically dyslexic.
4. I think this list is a waste of time, but in reality, everything i do is a waste of time, so it actually makes sense for me to do this.
5. Last week, i only pooped once. 0 times in a toilet.
6. Right now, I wish I could delete what I just wrote for #5.
7. I fucking hate this number.
8. I remember my birth. Vividly.
9. I recently found out Kansas IS a state.
10. My favorite time of the year is when the leaves are changing colors. I love black leaves.
11. It's alot harder to come up with 25 retarded things to say than i expected.
12. Forget, what I said in number 9, I was misinformed...again!
13. Since I started writing this, I've gotten lost twice.
14. I once learned how to speak Chinese. Turns out... what? Oh you think you know what I was going to say? Fine, finish it for me then. No no no! You're so fucking smart you think you can finish my sentences. Well fucking do it then!
15. I've been known to invent imaginary friends while writing lists.
16. I've been known to many a male escort.
17. I have dress rehearsal for the Vagina Monologues this Thursday.
18. Sometimes at the dinner table, I secretly fart and then blame it on myself.
19. Being a catholic sounds fun.
20. Dress rehearsal got moved back to Saturday I guess.
21. For some reason, I don't sleep very good.
22. I sleep very well.
23. I have a message in my inbox and i can't wait to finish this so I can read it. I'm going to start shortening the items on my list so that I can read the message sooner. In case you missed the logic there, if I start to write shorter items on my list, then it will take me less time to write them, which will in turn allow me to finish my list sooner than previously expected which will then allow me to read said message in said inbox.
24. If you didn't read that whole thing, you should, because I said the word said twice within 4 words. Kinda like in that last sentence.
25. When I eat ice cream it reminds me of frozen milk that is continuously stirred allowing little bubbles of air to get stuck inside which givies it a smooth, creamy texture.

Wow.  I don't know if this is weird or conceited but I was literally just in tears laughing at that.  Classic.

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