Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Punch You Woman!

So a couple days before christmas, I was doing some last minute shopping for christmas, I was stuck in some parking lot traffic and I encountered the most infuriating woman ever! I wanted to climb to the top rope and just drop an absolute Hulk Hogan leg drop on her head.

So in this parking lot, there's the main road that everyone has one has to get onto to leave, and there are all the lanes from the parking lot that dump into it.  Well as I'm sitting in traffic on that main road, there are all these cars trying to get in from the side.  Every once in a while I'll let someone in because I'm a nice guy.  But I notice the woman behind me was right on top of my ass. She was about 2 feet from my bumper at all times refusing to let anyone in.  To make it even worse, every time she passed someone who was trying to get in, she would shake her head at them and mouth, "No! No!"  I could not believe it.  I was so fucking pissed.  I mean, I wasn't even the one she wasn't letting in and it still pissed me off.

The thing that made me so mad was that it wasn't like these people were antagonizing her.  They weren't like trying to squeeze in or like yelling at her.  They were just sitting there patiently and she would stare them down and shake her head.  I literally have never been so mad at someone that has done absolutely nothing to me.  If I could build a poogloo (igloo made of poo) and force just one person to live inside it, it would be her.

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