Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Thumbtack in My Cereal

Now, usually my titles don't give away what happened in my story.  I like to leave a little bit of mystery in my titles.  But not this one.  There it is, right there for all to see.  I found a thumbtack in my cereal the other day.  Well, technically I found it in my mouth when I bit down on it but I'm assuming it came from my cereal.  What the hell! What am I supposed to do.  Do I call them? Do I call a lawyer? Do I just forget about it.

I kinda want to call them because I've always wondered how companies deal with situations like this.  Like how do they know that people aren't faking it when this happens.  I clearly could have just put a tack in my cereal and then called them.  Actually, I wouldn't even have to put it in the cereal,  I'd just have to call them and tell them it happened and I would just need to own a thumbtack that I could use for proof.  The thing is, if I was faking it, I wouldn't have actually chewed on it.

I brought up this issue of proof with my friend and he suggested that I take pictures of it.  I was confused by this.  I asked him if taking a picture of a thumbtack proves that it came from their box of cereal.  He replied, "Take lots of pictures."  Oh! Okay, that makes much more sense.  "Dear Kellog, Here are 1,000 pictures of a thumbtack, clearly that proves it came from your cereal box.  Please give me a bag of money."

Another problem I have with the situation is that if I was going to complain to someone and sue their little bumbums off, I wouldn't know who to sue.  I kind of mixed Special K with Strawberries and Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds, so I don't know who to blame.  While writing this my tooth has begun to hurt and that sucks a lot because my teeth were already hurting a lot from getting my wisdom teeth out.  If you have any advice for me on this situation  I would love to hear it.

I haven't even gotten to the worst part about this whole story.  The reason I mixed two cereals is because they were both almost empty so I combined them into one bowl and finished them both off.  Unfortunately, I found this tack on about my 4th bite and clearly once you've found a thumb tack in a bowl of cereal, you don't continue to finish that bowl.  So now I have to go throw out this bowl of cereal (which was amazing, great combination) and I can't even recreate it because both cereals are gone! Out of all the things that have happened to me that included 2 boxes of cereal and a thumbtack, this is definitely the worst.

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