Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Monday, January 4, 2010

You Won't Eat It

Yesterday, I was sitting at a red light and a car pulled up next to me.  The driver seemed pretty normal, had his girlfriend in the seat next to him.  All of a sudden, this guy starts cleaning/scratching/digging in the inside of his ear.  And this guy was going nuts!  It was crazy!  I was convinced he had a bug in his ear or something.  I've never seen anyone scratch their ear so frantically.  And it wasn't like a quick 2 second burst of finger to ear madness.  This lasted a good 20 seconds, or a bad 20 seconds depending on if you're his ear or not.  Anyway, after he was done, he then inspected his finger.  At this point, I'm thinking to myself, "Please! Please eat it! For the love of God! Eat that ear wax!!!!"  He stared and stared, rolled it up into a ball, and then.... flicked it away. Fuck! I really thought it was going to happen but I guess I'm just not that lucky.  Next time.

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