Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Never Been So Tired

So, this week has been super dee duper tiring for me.  Friday night, I slept on a horrifically uncomfortable love seat and got an equivalent of about 2 hours of sleep.  Saturday night, I slept on a slightly less horrifically uncomfortable love seat and got about 3.5 hours of sleep.  Sunday night I went to bed at about 1:30 and woke up at 7.  Monday night I went to sleep at about 12:30 and woke up at 6.  So heading into Tuesday night, I was working with an average of 4.125 hours of sleep over the last 4 nights. 

What do I have going on Wednesday? Two quizzes along with 3 chapters and 2 articles to read.  And Lost on at 9 PM.  AKA I won't be going to bed early.  So I ended up hitting the sack around 2 AM with my alarm set for 7 AM.  Here's where it just got ridiculous...

Now everyone has had that experience where their alarm goes off, they shut it off and fall back asleep.  Then they wake up like an hour later with absolutely no recollection of even waking up to the alarm in the first place.  Well, somehow, my body took this to the next level. 

So my alarm was set for 7 AM and trust me, when my alarm goes off, I hear it.  I've got Disturbed's "Inside the Fire" playing at full volume.  I remember it going off and hitting snooze.  Then it went off again and again, I slapped that snooze button like it just ate my last Toaster's Strudel.  Five minutes later, my alarm goes off again, and I thought, "Hmm...I should check to see what time it is to see if I can snooze this shiz again."  

8:15. 8:15! (Don't you hate that feeling! It's like a mini heart attack as your head jumps off the pillow and u realize you're late.) What the freak?!  8:15! I just hit the franking snooze button 15 times! And I only remembered the last 2?! Are you sheeshing me?  I was so tired that I was able to shut off my alarm while half asleep 13 times without it making any sort of impression on my conscious mind.  Wow.  I mean ya, it sucks I missed my first class, but Jesus, I'm impressed with just how tired I was able to get.  That's impressive.  

P.S. I'm writing this while the class I skipped is going on.  Swell times.

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