Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Monday, March 1, 2010

How Did the Conversation Get Here?

So a couple weeks ago, we were at a bowling alley for our program's Thursday Night Out.  I got bored and decided to go chat up the trashy bartender.  The conversation was going splendidly, making fun of people and drinkin beers.  I learned a few minutes into the convo that she had a husband and two kids.  A little young to have two kids but to be honest, it didn't really surprise me as I assumed she was putting out in elementary school.

Anyway, a couple minutes later, one of the other bartenders came by and started discussing how she was going to get her nipple pierced.  Usually, if the girl is even somewhat attractive, that would be a fun conversation to have.  This was not the case. 

Then the conversation took a sharp turn.  The bartender, with whom I had been talking to for about 5 minutes then says in these exact words, "My husbands got a piercing through his cock."  Oh... Well... I didn't really know what to say to that but it didn't matter because before I could speak she told me, "I made him take it out because it kept cutting me."

At this point, I'm pretty sure me and this bartender would qualify as best friends.  I mean we've talked about both her and her husband's special parts.  I decided to just empathize with her.  "Oh ya, I can imagine."  No I cant! Gross.  And by the way, what person who is not filming a porn or in the midst of some nice dirty talk uses the word cock?  Either way, I felt like it was time for me to bring that convo to an end before I learned anymore interesting facts.

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