Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's Time to Go so Shut It!

There are some things that we learn growing up that we assume everyone has learned and will live by.  One of these things was that, at the end of class, you never ask the teacher about homework if she hasn't already assigned it.  Like seriously? I will throw my chocolate milk at you at recess!

The reason I bring this up is because I've run into this again, but its the graduate school version of it.  Once we get to college, every class has a syllabus so we never have to wonder about homework. But, in high school, we  had bells that ring at the end of class that say, you can leave now no matter what the teacher is doing.  In college/grad school, this is not the case.  You leave when the professor is done talking.  Nothing infuriates me more than a student asking an in depth question with like 15 seconds left in class.

The teacher is packing up, you're zipping up your bag, you're putting your pants back on, and then all of a sudden, Jerky McFatface raises his hand and asks, "So if technology is changing the face of the industry, then what is the current outlook of board of directors of the hospital and how is it revolutionizing their search for quality employees?"  Oh! That's frankin awesome!  Here comes a 20 minute explanation.  That's 20 minutes I could have used to play Oregon Trail.  And you know, even though this question isn't relevant to anything you've talked about, you can't leave because you'd look like a huge Dbag. 

For realsies, when class is about to end, shut your mouth and save your stupid ass questions for office hours.

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