Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Announcement: Scavenger Hunt Mother Truckers!!

So, I just wanted to let all my peeps know that this Friday, I am hosting a big scavenger hunt up here in Amherst, MA, to be followed by a mother truckin rager.  This is an open invitation to any of my readers here in Amherst, or anywhere in the world! Ya that's right.  I'm takin this shit global.  We've got a cash prize on the line over $100, so do the right thing.

It's gonna be just silly wit it, so I suggest your get your Scavenger Hunting Ass up here, put on your Scavenger Hunting Hat, and get your Scavenger Hunt on.  This is also a fundraiser for the Graduate Business Association, so not only can you win some money and get drunk, but you can also feel good about yourself for doing the right thing.  Raising money for the GBA is pretty much on the same level as voting for Obama, so lets do something great!

Finally, if you don't do the scavenger hunt, I will be personally emailing you a punch in the face, courtesy of yours truly (me).  That is all for now, good day, and great snacks.  See you friday.

Email me at if you're interested or want more details on it.

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