Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Monday, October 4, 2010

Poll #20

Well well well, what do you know?  I start the polls back up again and I realize that I have completely lost touch with my followers.  Yes, I was one of the 6 that voted for walking backwards.  What the frank were you other 17 idiots thinking?  Are you kidding me?  Who wants to wear tight clothes forever?

Several people brought it up to me that they would just lose weight and then it would be ok.  No it would not.  No matter what, you're clothes are always going to be one size too small.  You're socks will be too tight.  You're thongs and boxers will be squeezin your hoohahs and junkanoos.  All of your pants will be tight and short.  You're dress shirts will stop 3 inches before your wrists and if you move your arms to much you'll split them right down the back.  Hats? Fuck that.  You know how much it hurts to wear a hat thats too tight?  Honestly, you'll just look like an emo iziot all day long. 

And then there's me.  I just have to walk backwards.  That's perfect for me.  I love taking pictures and videos and looking at them.  You know why?  Because I love seeing where I came from and where I've been.  What better way to do that than always walk backwards and always be able to see where I have just been.  Sorry, I just blew your philosophical minds.  Eat it.

Bottom Line:  You are all idiots and there other 5 people that voted Walk Backwards are awesome. 

1 comment:

  1. who the HELL would ever watch TV with no sound?!?!?!?!?? You are all retarded. Im retarded for writing this, you are retarded for reading it. lets make a baby diaper.
