Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

25,000th Hit and a Triple Whammy

So as you all know WHAT just got its 25,000th hit and as I do with any milestone, I always ask for a picture of the accomplishment.  Well it turns out this time that the 25,000th hit was actually from my cousin Derek.  This time it was a little different than the last few times.  Derek decided to get a little sassy this time and decided to take the picture of the 25,000th hit hostage.  Just a few minutes after we hit the milestone, I got an email from my cousin with the subject line, "Ransom" and he had 3 pictures attached to it.  The first was titled 24999, the next was 25001, and the final one was titled Ransom.  This was the Ransom picture.

I found this very ammusing and yet perplexing because I knew I would never be able to meet his demands.  I mean, where the hell would I find a black garbage bag.  The rest of it was doable but the bag was a deal breaker.  Fortunately, it didn't come to that because, not to my surprise, my cousin Derek is an idiot.  As I mentioned, he attached a picture titled 25001, which I am showing right here.

Like an idiot, Derek labeled his pictures wrong and sent me the picture of the 25,000th hit.  This came as great news to me and is the reason for the "Triple Whammy" in the title.  

Whammy #1 - I got my picture of the 25,000th hit.
Whammy #2 - I don't have to pay the winner a six pack which I was completely willing to do because of this ill-advised hostage situation.
Whammy #3 - I'm making Derek look like an idiot.

The reason that Derek's screw up came as no surprise to me is because this isn't the first time he has messed up a prank.  Two years ago, Derek had an awful roommate who moved out and screwed them so he decided to get his revenge by creating a fake email address and trick this girl, who was now looking for a new place, into thinking that he was a girl looking for a roommate.  It probably would have been great, except for one thing.  Like the idiot that he is, Derek actually used his real name while registering for this email address and since they used the same email server, when she received the email, it said "From Derek Rice."  

Bottom Line:  Derek's pranking skills are an embarrassment to our family and Armenians around the world. 


  1. HAHAHA OMG i was a witness to the the "roommate prank" it was hilarious!!!!! hahahahha
