Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Friday, October 8, 2010

Awkward Embrace

So the other day I was driving down Route 9 right in front of Amherst College.  I was stuck in traffic and we weren't moving much.  I looked to my left and noticed a couple hugging and I thought, well that's normal so I looked away.  5 seconds later, I looked back again and they were still hugging and I thought, well that's less normal.  I decided not to look away this time.  I just stared at these two people who seem to be more in love with each other than Chicken and Buffalo Sauce.

Did they let go?  No.
Did they talk at all?  No.
Did they just stand there entwined in a passionate embrace for over 20 seconds?  Yes.

How can you have nothing better than that to do with your time?  I mean i love hugging, I'll be the first to admit that.  But I mean, I could've gotten 8 solid hugs and 6 high fives in the time these idiots were hugging for.  I think the most mysterious aspect of this whole Super-Hug was that I don't even know when it started.  The 20 seconds was just what I saw.  For all I know they had been standing there for the last two weeks.  Although I feel like it would have drawn more attention and maybe a few representatives from the Guinness World Record Book if they had been standing in one place hugging for 2 weeks, you never know though.  I also wonder if they went off and hugged someone else after or if they're like done hugging for the next month.  Can you use up all your hugability in one Mega-Hug?  I don't know but I'm willing to find out.  Who's got 2 weeks to spare?


  1. I've got time, but you have to add my last name in your phone before we hug it out... By the way: How do you pledge money toward triangle head?!?

  2. Noel, when donating to the triangle head fund you must also donate to equally worthy causes. There is the peanutbutter fund: where all the proceeds are stuffed into a peanutbutter jar and thrown off a bridge on new years day. Then there is the toilet fund: where your money goes directly into a public urinal at your local walmart. Finally there is the burnt hair fund: where your money will be mixed in with the hairs from a freshly shaved gorilla, all to be slow roasted over a candle. Happy donating!!
