Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Monday, October 18, 2010

Did I seriously just do that?

So the other day, I'm sitting in my Sports Law class just maxin and relaxin.  One of the kids is giving us a presentation about a lawsuit between USA Soccer and Champion Sports blah blah blah.  I was actually pretty interested in the discussion and had thrown my input in a couple of times.  Towards the end of his discussion of this case, my focus began to drift as it usually does during class and I started thinking about our flag football team.  I'm thinking about the plays we ran the night before and the plays we should run next week.

Anyway!  As most of you know, I'm super competitive and so when I got to thinking about flag football, I got really into it and I was pretty much in my own world.  Well, one thing you should know about my own world is that it's okay to burp out loud.  Unfortunately, in reality, I wasn't in my own world.  In fact, I was in Sports Law class listening to a student presentation and it was in there which I burped out loud.  Yes.  You read that right.

I BURPED.  OUT LOUD. DURING SOME KIDS PRESENTATION.  Holy shit.  First thing that came out of my mouth after?  "Oh my God. I think I fell asleep."  Did I actually fall asleep?! NO! Why the fuck did I just say that!?  How could that possibly make this situation better.  Not only did I burp during this kid's presentation but then I went on to say that the reason I burped was because he had such a case of the borings that he put me to sleep?!  I should be shot in the face.

Immediately, the four people directly in front of me turned around at me.  But it wasn't like they just spun around and looked at me.  Oh no, it was much more dramatic than that.  All four of them, at the same time, gave me the slow, half head turn with a look of shock, horror and amazement on their faces. Their turn around was followed by the entire class turning around to look at me to see what kind of fucking monster would do such a thing.  But I'm not a monster!!1!

Not that it was any surprise to me, but my burp totally stole the show and the kid's presentation came to an abrupt end because no one could really get it together after.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure you said, "I think I just woke myself up." In fact, those were the exact words out of your mouth. I would know...I was sitting right in front of you and I smelled your burp.
