Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Love Strange People

So yesterday, while walking back to my car from class, I encountered a very rare, yet amazingly entertaining species.  I call them PPS's or Poor Public Singers.  I walked behind this kid in the rain, for like 8 minutes and during our entire journey together, he was just singing out loud to himself.  I don't know what song it was, but I know that it had several very high notes that he wasn't even coming close to hitting.  I think the best part about it, was that he wasn't even wearing headphones.  He was just singing straight from the music in his head.

If I had to guess his age, based on the number of times his voice cracked and the amount of acne he had, I would have gone with a nubile 13 but then why would he be on a college campus?  I'm guessing he's just a late blooming 18 year old with a love for musical theater.

Either way, I was so intrigued by this kid.  I was literally walking like 1 foot behind him, kind of leaning over his left shoulder trying to hear what song he was singing.  At one point, I think he felt my presence because he sped up and then turned and looked at me.  I decided to give him a little more space at this point.  As I was starting to drop back to give him some room, all of a sudden, he just belted out a note at the top of his lungs. I couldn't help but just laugh out loud at him.  This I know he heard, because he kind of just peered back at me through the corner of his eye.

This was definitely a blogasm moment.  I knew from the second I heard him singing that I would be writing this post.