Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ok, It's Time for You to Help Me!

As you know, I make announcements for my friends whenever they are in need of some media exposure. (Yes, I just referred to myself as the media.) Jose Cuervo is having the Cuervo Games and I want to be in it. So that means I need your help. The top 3 teams wit the most votes on Facebook get put in the contest. I voted for myself but I think it's going to take more than 1 vote to win it. This is where you come in.

Now I'm sure most of you are saying, well I don't really care if Adam is in it or not. Well why the fuck not! If I'm in it, and I win, which I will, you can say, I know the kid that won the Boston Cuervo Games and is going out to Las Vegas. I know, it sounds awesome right?

It's really easy, just go to The Cuervo Games Facebook Page right here and just click the button that says vote.  It's simple and will only take 25 seconds.  I've been entertaining you guys (for the most part) since November, this is just a small favor to pay me back. 

Now I realize you have to add an app to vote, but its so easy, just click add then vote. Then you wont have to worry about anything.  It's not an annoying intrusive app or anything like that. Thanks guys.  When I win, I'm gonna be so happy, I'm gonna look like this.

Thanks guys! Together, we can accomplish anything, or at least win this competition.  Keep in mind, I only have 86 followers so it's going to take more than you guys to win it.  Tell all your friends about it and I'll take you guys all to Las Vegas with me.  Hookers for everyone!

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