Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Monday, September 20, 2010

People Are Weird

So today while I was at school I saw two things that were very strange.  They were things that you would think a normal person at a normal university would not do.  Just like common sense things to avoid unless you are trying to announce to the world that you are truly out of touch with reality and have no plans of ever dating a girl.

First, I saw a kid sitting in Isenberg the other day wearing the following outfit.
  • Khaki pants
  • Brown belt
  • Black shoes
  • White socks
  • Ugly ass short sleeve button down BUTTONED ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP.
Are you kidding me?!  How can you go through 19 years of your life and not realize that that sort of attire is so far from socially acceptable its not even fathomable.  For God sake's man, pull yourself together.  You might as well throw on a bow tie and suspenders at this point.  I just can't understand how you don't look around and think to yourself, Hmm, I've never seen any popular or good looking person ever dress like me before.   I should've flicked a boogie at him and taught him a lesson.

Second, I saw a kid riding a bike through campus from inside my class room.  As he prepared to pass a group of students, he did something that absolutely blew my mind.  He didn't yell, "On the left."  Nor did he just swerve onto the grass.  No, no that would be too normal and not embarrassing.  Instead, in order to announce his presence, he rang his bell.  I'm just gonna let that sink in for a moment.

He rang his fucking bell!!!!!!!! What the slip slop is that?!  I didn't realize it was a 7 year old girl stuck in an 18 year olds body.  I'm surprised he didn't have a basket full of daisies and training wheels on that God damn hunk of embarrassing metal.  Now, I don't know exactly where he was headed. But I'm assuming it was one of the following 5 places:

  • His girl scouts meeting
  • His babysitter's house
  • PeeWee Football Cheerleading tryouts
  • Ticket box to purchase Miley Cyrus concert tickets
  • Anywhere where he could shoot himself.
I was hoping for the last one but I'm pretty sure it was number 3.

Lesson to be learned?  Don't be dumb.

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