Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Quickie: Panera Side Pony

So, I was minding my business the other day, enjoying a broccoli cheddar soup from Panera when I saw a side pony.  In case you don't know, a side pony was a popular style in the 80s which looked like this:

Oddly enough though, this side pony wasn't attached to a young girl confused about what year it was.  Instead, it was attached to a badass/gruff looking, tattoo covered 6 foot 6 man in his late 60's-ish.  He also had a foot long beard to go along with it.  Come on guy.  A beard of that quality should not be ruined by an embarrassingly long side pony.  Having a male pony tail is bad enough as it is, but putting it on the side is the equivalent of kissing your mom or dad on the lips.  It's just not natural. I wish I had said something to that guy.  I'm sure if it had, it would've gone like this.

Me: Excuse me sir. You have a side pony tail.
Captain Side: I'm punching you in the face right now.

He most likely wouldn't have said that.  He would've just done it, but it was hard to convey in a dialogue.

PS Is there a name for the male pony tail?  Pony Mail?  Manny Tail?  Gay?

1 comment:

  1. Pony Male. Also, you couldn't find a model with a side pony tail that didn't have a lazy eye? Just sayin...

