Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mr. Route 9

So the other night, after our scavenger hunt and party, we went over to the Route 9 Diner for some delicious breakfast at 3 AM.  The meal was going splendidly, nothing out of the ordinary really.  That's when I found out one of the girls I was with is the most gullible people in the world.

There was a waitress serving food to one of her tables and she was getting a little help from this older, heavy set guy.  I turned to the table and said, "Good Ole Mr. Route 9, that guy is the man."  Gullible Girl says "What?"  At this point, I know it's on.  This is going to be fun.  I turned to her and said, "What? That's Mr. Route 9, he owns this place, it was named after him."

To be honest, I thought telling someone that there was a man named Mr. Route 9 was bad enough, but I decided to take it to the next level.  I added to the story that, "the road outside, Route 9, was also name after him."  BOOM.  And what do you know?! She fucking bought it.  She gave a simple, "Oh cool."

Wow!!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!! Wow.  When I made that stupid little joke, I had no clue it would become something so amazing, but that's whats so great about the Route 9 Diner, you never know what's going to happen.