Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Sunday, May 2, 2010

House M.D.

What is wrong with me? I can't stop watching House.  Literally.  I watch it whenever I'm not doing school work or in class.  There have been roughly 122 episodes of house.  To be completely honest and give you a serious estimate of how many times I've watched House, it would have to be around 700.  Is that alot? 45 minutes per episode. 700 times.  525 hours of watching House. (21.87 days) Holy shit.  I didn't realize it was that much.

I either have a serious man crush on Hugh Laurie, or I should be in med school.  Although the first two years would probably be a waste of time since I can already diagnose about 85 rare, deadly diseases in about 12 minutes.  Seriously, if you think you're dying, just email me you're symptoms and I'll hook you up.  I might start walking with a cane and finally get addicted to some drugs yo!

But on a more serious note, why the hell am I so addicted to this show?  I just watch seasons 1-6 and when I'm done, what do I do? I start again.  And then if I see that House is on TV, what do I do? Watch it of course.  Even if I just watched that episode the day before.

I'm actually watching an episode called "Informed Consent" right now.  I know what's going to happen in every scene, I already know this guy is dying of some protein deficiency, sub type AA.  Why do I know that?! Just think of all the things I could store in my brain in place of House scripts.  Maybe I'd know who won the last 10 NCAA March Madness championships or who the first picks of the NFL draft have been since 1995... You know, the important stuff in life.  Fuck it.  Next Episode.


  1. i cant believe this blog is still open for anybody to read

  2. it means I ate a jelly donut and scarfed a bug bag
