Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Monday, June 28, 2010

Walmart Attracts Winners!

I was at Walmart the other day picking up some stuff for a grad party I was headed to.  I went up to the cashier and like lots of cashiers these days, she had plastic gloves on.  Normally, I wouldn't really take any notice of this because there are lots of germaphobes out there, especially in people who touch money all day.  And ESPECIALLY in people who touch money all day being spent by the type of people who shop at Walmart.  Anyway, as I was waiting in line, this woman took germaphobia to the next level. 

With her plastic gloves still on mind you, she took a bottle of Curel and squirted some hand sanitizer on her gloves.  WHAT!? Really?  How can you justify that?  It's fucking hand sanitizer, not glove sanitizer.  Unless these are like her personal pair of gloves that she wears every day and sanitizes instead of washes them, this just doesnt make sense.  Even if they are her gloves, it still doesn't make sense so frank that!

More importantly, doesn't hand sanitizer have to get absorbed by the skin and like dry off that way?  If so then her gloves must be completely slimy all day urrday.  Gross.

Truly, the only way to explain this is that she never takes these gloves off.  Only if she eats with them on, showers with them on and "gets to know herself" with them on, it just can't make sense to sanitize sanitary gloves.  God I love people! It's amazing how many people you run into that are just fuckin idiots. It's not as shocking when you're in Walmart tho, rather it's almost expected.

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