Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Friday, June 18, 2010

Back to the Basics

So the other night, I went out to Tequila Rain for the first time and we actually had a good time.  As usual, I was ripping it up on the dance floor but we were playing a new game which I'd like to inform you of.  It's called Dance Circle Spin the Bottle.  It's not to hard to figure out, but its frankin awesome.  Bottle - On the Floor - Spin it - Who ever its pointing to dances.  Boom and we've got magic.

One of our friends, Shmenny Shmariski, decided to try and make it better.   Mind you, she was already plasterfaced at this point in the night, which was about 11 PM.  Someone mentioned dance circle spin the bottle, and Shmenny immediately took her full beer, put it on the ground and spun it. Awesome! Let's all dance in a puddle.  Seriously, lets do it.

That wasn't the first time I've danced in a puddle.  A few months ago, some girl spilled a drink on the dance floor and I decided to utilize it in order to moon walk all over everyone's stunned faces.  Last year at my sisters apartment, I was trying to teach a girl to moonwalk and she couldn't cuz she had no shoes or socks on.  So I took a bottle of water and poured it on the floor and we moonwalked the night away.  So this beer was really no change of pace for me.

The night went on, pretty basic, good times had by all.  Then I discovered something else I liked.  Booing people that are trying to dance with my friends.  Some guy came up to one of our friends, Shmolleen, and started dancing (quite terribly if I may say so) and we decided to let him have it.  There were about 5 of us standing around watching this, so we surrounded them and just start booing him and giving him the thumbs down.  After about 20 seconds of us booing and Shmolleen showing no interest in the William Hung of dancing, he walked away.

And he thought it would end there.  We then followed him around the bar jumping up and down, pointing at him and yelling "This guy! This guy!"  No clue why, but I found it amazingly entertaining.

So let's recap: 1. Dance Circles. Check. 2. Booing guys. Check. 3. Rubbing my ass on girls? CHECK!

That was the next phase in the night.  I started pulling out my patented move, rubbing my ass on a girl as she walked by.  They were loving it, per usual, until I made a rookie mistake.  I tried the rub down on a girl with a big group of people, away from the dance floor.  Terrible mistake.  Literally half a second into it, the girl sprinted to the other side of the group as if I was trying to rub anthrax on her.  I tried apologizing like I always do, "Oh my, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were there, he's got a mind of his own."  She just wasn't having it.  She just shooed me away, completely disgusted.  Wat a weirdo.

All in all, it was a pretty typical night for me.

1 comment:

  1. This is copyright infringement. #3 is my move.

    Wow, no love for the professor.
