Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Don't Sublet Your Room

So this summer I decided to sublet my room in Amherst since I wouldn't be living there.  I found a real nice girl, and she subletted it from me and it was going great.  Then the class she was taking got canceled and so she had to resublet the room to another person.  She subletted it to some girl that is like studying here or doing something.  This girl sucks.  She is the worst.

I was up at Amherst this past week for an orientation, blah blah blah.  Anyway, we went out to the bars and I came home around 1:30.  Now I am sleeping upstairs on the couch obviously because my room is being subletted. Anyway, around 2:30 am this fucking idiot and some guy she is with barge through the door and go down stairs.  Within 3 seconds, she has her music on at full frankin volume.  It was absurd.  I waited like a half hour to see if this See You Next Tuesday would figure out that she's retarded and maybe turn it down.  She didn't.

I decided to go down stairs and ask her to.  I knocked on the door, and she opens it, "Yes?"  Mind you this is 3 am.  "Um can you turn down the music? Or at least the bass? I can literally feel it upstairs."  "Oh okay."  Problem solved...or so I thought.  She turned it down for literally 8 seconds, then turned it back up to almost the same volume.  Did she just try to trick me?  Like, was she trying to recalibrate my ears into thinking she just turned it down?  Maybe this is just a dream.  It wasn't. 

For the next half hour, I lay on my uncomfortable couch, listening to pounding bass and the subtle moans of this gross 75 lb girl get doinked by her scum bag friend.  Awesome.  Finally, around 3:30, after sexfest has wrapped up, I just started pounding my feet on the floor until she turned the music down.  Yay! I can sleep.

UPDATE:  I decided to venture into my room looking for an iron and this is what she has in her room:

  • 3 cacti
  • 6 candles
  • a huge bong
  • 15 sticks of incense 
  • 4 plants
  • one gigantic dream catcher
  • something that looked like a pile of leather scraps
  • pictures of her hanging exactly where I had pictures of myself
  • one leg from a mannequin
One Leg from A Mannequin?!  Who the fuck is this girl?!  Get the fuck out of my room!!!!

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