Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Interesting Fact About My Friends

Oh hello there. Don't touch me. Thanks.

So, if you have any knowledge of surveys or market research, you understand that in order to get a read of the entire population, information is collected from a small percentage of that population and then the information is extrapolated out of that.  Well, as with all of my other polls, I have collected some data, and it turns out...

100% of my friends pick their noses.  That's right! Every single one of you is a dirty, disgusting, vile, nose picker!  I bet there are 20 of you reading this right now with one finger up there as we speak! Your keyboard is begging you not to type with that finger any more but those cries fall on dead ears and unclogged nostrils.

Come on guys! I thought we lived in a society where we are supposed to be civilized, not heathens lawlessly roaming the streets.  The only thing worse than learning this is realizing I didn't know it for years and all the gross boogies that have ended up on me by accident...or on purpose.

Either way, I've learned a lot about you freaks and I decided next week I'm going to go back through my polls and actually put a report together about my readership.  This should be interesting.

Until then, don't touch me, and don't forget to vote in the new poll!

1 comment:

  1. I read this I was picking my nose with the end of my pen......

    It's a depraved way of life but, oddly, fulfilling after a hard day's grind to remove those little green aliens sticking to the innards of your nasal cavity.
