Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Monday, February 1, 2010

I Owned That Girl!

So this took place I think back in October.  I dunno why I waited so long to write about it but it was friggin awesome.  I think I maybe just forgot that it happened until just now.

So I was sitting in traffic on Route 9 one day on my way to school.  I look to my left and see a girl with a book bag on, sprinting up the street.  Right off that bat, that's funny enough.  Everyone looks like an idiot running with a book bag on.  Anyway, I realized that she was running to catch the bus.  I saw that the bus closed its doors and started to pull out, so the girl slowed down to a walk, head held low in defeat.

Then! The bus stops as someone else tries to get on.  This girl sees this as her last chance to get on the bus.  So she turns on the jets again and starts sprinting up the street once more.  Again, the doors close and the bus goes to pull out.  And once again, she slows her pace, breathing heavily and sad she's going to be late for class.

Now, as I mentioned before, I was sitting in traffic and the bus was trying to pull into my lane.  The bus had no where to go so it jut sat still and this is when it happened.  For the third time, this girl put the pedal to the medal and sprinted up the street in a last desperation attempt to catch this God forsaken bus.  Now this is where I come in.

The only reason that this girl still has a chance to catch this bus is because no one is letting the bus into the lane.  I think to myself, "Well Adam, here's your chance to ruin this girls day."  And so of course I took advantage of it.  This girl finally, after starting and stopping 3 times, sprinting nearly 150 yards, gets within about 15 feet of the bus.  I hit the brakes, give a quick flash of my headlights and allow the bus to pull out, leaving this girl behind, exhausted and dejected.

That was awesome!! I was so excited.  I immediately called like 3 people and told them the entire story.  Good times.

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