Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Friday, February 19, 2010

I Don't Like That

You know what I'm getting sick of?  No?  Well then you're in luck because during this post, I'm going to tell you.  That's the reason I lead off with that question.  Alright, so here it is.  I'm sick of people hitting the ""Like" button on Facebook.  It's a cop out and it's disrespectful and sometimes it's hurtful.

I put in the time and effort to post a funny or meaningful comment about my day or about how I feel and all you have to say is I like that?  If I go through the effort to bring you some enjoyment, you should at least give some sort of effort to show your appreciation.  You like my joke? Awesome.  I don't care.  That's not how you show your appreciation for a joke.  Can you imagine if when a stand up comedian told a joke, instead of laughing, people all just said I like that?  That would be a terrible world and one that, frankly, I would not want to live in.

They should at least make a "Hahaha!" button as well so that if you are lazy enough to use a button as your response, it can at least be appropriate.  From now on, if you're going to click the Like button on any of my comments or posts or pictures or uploads or notes or relationship statuses, just stop, sit there for a second, and ask yourself, will this bring any joy to adam's life what so ever or am I just wasting both of our time.  Then answer the question with a resounding yes.  Then, if you so choose, make me a grilled cheese and bring it to me.  Tomato soup optional.  That is all for now.  Be gone!