Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Strange Partnership

I was out at a bar the other night waiting in line to go #1 and I watched twice as a pair of girls went into a single bathroom together.  This is something I just cannot comprehend.  Why does this happen?  Are they afraid to be alone?  I mean its a single bathroom so it hard to believe they are concerned about their safety.  Is what they are talking about so important that they can't put the conversation on hold for the 30 seconds it takes to pee?  Having listened to several conversations of Umass undergrad girls, I highly doubt it.

I mean even if they had a good reason to, which I'm sure they don't, it still doesn't take away from the fact that you're stuck in a single bathroom while your friend is peeing.  Guys never do this, ever.  Unless we're at a party or something and we all just go pee in the toilet, shower and sink that the same time but that isn't the case.  If we were to do it though, it would be a little less weird because we at least don't have to take our pants all the way down to get the job done.  It would be like going into a bathroom with one of my friends when he's going to do a twosie (assuming it's not going to smell, in order to equalize the situation) It just doesn't make sense to me.  If you're a girl, and you do this, please explain to me the reasoning you use when you do this. 


  1. Most things are better with company and good friends including peeing but never #2.
    Why would someone free style while a girl is peeing? . . . It adds entertainment to something that is mundane and routine to every day life. Girls like some entertainment and conversation to help make time go by. . . And we go to the bathroom together to talk about you (well boys in general.)

  2. This post sparked a stimulating convo with a friend and I who do this. Besides the obvious gossip opportunity, consider these:
    1. Think of the efficiency! One can start washing up and doing the mirror check while the other utilizes the toilet!
    2. It's not so much about being afraid to be alone in the bathroom as it is being afraid to be alone outside of the bathroom standing in line with crazy people. Strength in numbers in the bar bathroom line.

  3. to equalize the situation.. hahahaha... how profound
