Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Staying in a Bar for New Years? Who Needs It?!

So another New Years Eve has come and gone and once again, despite my best efforts, I was unable to close down the bar.  This unfortunately, was not because I was too drunk (completely debatable) nor was it because I was too tired.  It was because, for two years in a row, I have been thrown out of the bar for one reason or another.  This year, I probably deserved it.

***Keep in mind, all of this was told to me the following day***

We were staying at the Holiday Inn for the night and just like anytime we go out, we pregamed a little before.  Unfortunately on New Years, to me, pregaming a little means drinking your face off and pregaming a lot means dying.  So I guess, looking back on it, having survived the last two new years' is an accomplishment on its own.  Anyway, apparently, I drank a lot before we go to the bar because by the time we got to the bar, I was in tough guy mode, which is never a good mode to start the night in.

We get to the bar, and there is a line of like 100 people, and I think to myself, good thing we got tickets and we're on the list.  So I strut up to the front of the line like I'm Old King Clancy and I say to the bouncer, "we're on the list."  That's right bitches! Check out my name, Adam T.  He replies back to me, "Everyone's on the list."  FUCK!

Usually, we would walk our stupid asses to the back of the line and wait, but as I mentioned earlier, I was in tough guy mode so I went for it.  About half way down the line, I saw an opening and I just slid in.  It was awesome! I could hear the people behind me whispering but loud enough that I could hear, "This kid just cut! What the fuck.  There's a line.  This is unbelievable.  Someone say something."  And more things like this.  Best part about it, I knew I was in tough guy mode and I think they did too because as soon as they started talking like that, I knew they weren't going to do anything.  Finally one kid stepped up:

Kid: You know you just cut everyone right?
Me: Yes.
Kid: Well you need to get to the back of the line.
Me: No, I don't the lines too long.
Kid: Well I'm a pussy so I'm not gonna do shit.

I don't think he actually said that last part but it was implied.  Eventually, I got my other 3 friends to join me in line and these kids lost it, yet they still did nothing.  I don't think I've ever felt more invincible.  I was ready to fight Zeus and Poseidon at the same time (although I realize that if we were fighting underwater and Zeus used a lightning bolt, we would all die but thats beside the point).

So moving on! We get into the bar and I'm on my way to black out city.  Here is how my night went.

Minute 1: Check coat
Minute 2: Dance with girls on stripper pole
Minute 3: Get kicked off stripper pole
Minute 4: Buy two drinks for $18 and start a tab (i would subsequently leave my card and end up just canceling it)
Minute 5: Walk across the dance floor.
Minute 6: Walk back.


That's all I remember of the bar.  Here is what was relayed to me the next day.  I continued to dance and walk around aimlessly for a little bit. Then some guy started barreling through people and pushed my friend and spilled his drink.  Fuck that! I'm in tough guy mode and no one pushes my friend, so I shoved the guy and said something to the effect of, "yeah you like pushing people?"  Most likely it came out as, "Yeahhh, yooouuu mlikes smushing ukjerjjogh...""

Unfortunately, this guy I just pushed was the Assistant Manager of the bar and had me removed immediately thus ending my stint at the Liquor Store on New Years Eve.  Now, keep in mind, that we got into the bar at 11:15 and I got thrown out around 12:30.  I remember 6 minutes.  That leaves from 11:21-12:30 wide open for god knows what.  I have no clue what I was doing in that time but I'm sure it was obnoxious and offensive to several people.

All in all, I had a great new years and I can't wait for next year.


  1. I wish you fell on your face and knocked out your front teeth. You're an asshole.

  2. about time you posted something. i was bored for two full weeks. now im back to a state of boredom after your stupid story. you could have just summed it up by saying, "i was drunk and tough and i got kicked out cause i tried to fight the manager."

    miss you!
