Triangle Head Tattoo

How Much We Got?  $100.00

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Never Been So Tired

So, this week has been super dee duper tiring for me.  Friday night, I slept on a horrifically uncomfortable love seat and got an equivalent of about 2 hours of sleep.  Saturday night, I slept on a slightly less horrifically uncomfortable love seat and got about 3.5 hours of sleep.  Sunday night I went to bed at about 1:30 and woke up at 7.  Monday night I went to sleep at about 12:30 and woke up at 6.  So heading into Tuesday night, I was working with an average of 4.125 hours of sleep over the last 4 nights. 

What do I have going on Wednesday? Two quizzes along with 3 chapters and 2 articles to read.  And Lost on at 9 PM.  AKA I won't be going to bed early.  So I ended up hitting the sack around 2 AM with my alarm set for 7 AM.  Here's where it just got ridiculous...

Now everyone has had that experience where their alarm goes off, they shut it off and fall back asleep.  Then they wake up like an hour later with absolutely no recollection of even waking up to the alarm in the first place.  Well, somehow, my body took this to the next level. 

So my alarm was set for 7 AM and trust me, when my alarm goes off, I hear it.  I've got Disturbed's "Inside the Fire" playing at full volume.  I remember it going off and hitting snooze.  Then it went off again and again, I slapped that snooze button like it just ate my last Toaster's Strudel.  Five minutes later, my alarm goes off again, and I thought, "Hmm...I should check to see what time it is to see if I can snooze this shiz again."  

8:15. 8:15! (Don't you hate that feeling! It's like a mini heart attack as your head jumps off the pillow and u realize you're late.) What the freak?!  8:15! I just hit the franking snooze button 15 times! And I only remembered the last 2?! Are you sheeshing me?  I was so tired that I was able to shut off my alarm while half asleep 13 times without it making any sort of impression on my conscious mind.  Wow.  I mean ya, it sucks I missed my first class, but Jesus, I'm impressed with just how tired I was able to get.  That's impressive.  

P.S. I'm writing this while the class I skipped is going on.  Swell times.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Poll #16

Wow! Now that's a quality poll.  But you guys are still voting in very low bunches.  I cannot figure it out.  Yesterday alone there were 70 people that came to the blog and yet only 29 total votes (15 for seeing your parents - 14 for seeing your bf/gf).  I would love to know why you guys don't vote.  Are you scared? Are you allergic to polls?  If so, I'm glad you're not my girlfriend!  Ba Doom Ching! (That was the drum thing you do after a joke. k? good.)  So let's go, start voting and be awesome.

Anyway, quite the close battle we had here.  To be honest, I don't even remember how I voted in this one because they both just suck so much.  The parents suck on several levels.  Level 1- It's just fucking gross.  Level 2- They're having sex and I'm not? Bullshit!  Level 3- They're way more creative than me! Shit! Level 4- So much money has to be spent on Electro Shock Therapy to erase that memory from my brain.  (Just as I did when I found out that Fraggle Rock was cancelled.)

On the other hand, there's finding your significant other getting doinked by someone else. Frank that shizzle!  That has to be the worst.  What do you do in that situation?  Do I let them finish? Cuz I don't want to, once again, be the reason she didn't have an orgasm.  Do I beat up the guy? Do I beat up my girlfriend? Do I drug them and convince them to beat up each other?  I don't know, but it would definitely suck.  Especially if the guy is uglier than me cuz that just means he's bringing more to the table. If it was some rippling beef cake, I'd be like, well okay... at least she's upgrading.

Either way, I don't want to encounter either of these situations, which is why I've stopped walking through closed doors.  This way, I can never be caught off guard by what's on the other side.

P.S. Make sure you check out the new poll. And frankin vote this time.

Monday, March 29, 2010

He's Standing Right There!

So the other day in class, we had a guest speaker come in.  He came in to talk to us about SAP and ERP, some Information Management topics, and his career in the industry.  He had some pretty interesting insights and stories, but one thing took place that kind of summed up the people in my class. 

After we came back from break, our guest speaker got back to the front of the room, ready to continue his conversation with us.  Right before he was about to get started, a conversation was sparked about some TV show about multitasking in the digital age or something.  A few comments were made, and it was clear that this guy was ready to go.  Just as he was about to speak, another student shouted something out about the TV show that took the conversation in a whole new direction.  This caused another person to get into the conversation, going back and forth for a couple of minutes.

This is all happening while our guest speaker is just standing at the front of the room (mind you, wearing a T-shirt that ended directly at the top of his cargo pants), waiting in silence for this ridiculous conversation to end.  I mean, how obnoxious do you have to be to carry on your own conversation, while a guest speaker waits for you to shut the fuck up?! The best part was that every time it seemed like the conversation was going to end, this guy would open his mouth to start speaking, just to be interrupted by some other idiot jumping in and making another useless, obscure point.  Eventually, I couldn't stand it anymore.  Every time someone added something to this conversation, I just laughed and made them aware of the ridiculousness of this situation.  It was mind boggling to see how oblivious these people could be. 

New Triangle Head Donation Update

10 MFDH from Justin Fisher.  God bless your beautiful soul and round head.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm Worried, Is it Coming Back?

As we all know, black kids are usually at the forefront of what is cool and hip.  They lead the way in new trends and then 6 months to a year later, us white kids decide that what we have been making fun of for the last year is now cool enough for us to copy.  Straight brim hats, Tims, Kanye, and big diamond earings are just a few that come to mind.

Anyway, I was driving up the street the other day when I saw something confusing and a little bit scary.  A saw a young black kid, big head phones, sideways hat, pretty stylish look to him... rollerskating. Yup. Rollerskating.  Not rollerblading.  Rollerskating.  Did I miss something?  Did rollerskates come back?  Or is this kid just so far ahead of the game, that he's actually the one setting the trend? If so, does that mean I'm going to be rollerskating next spring cuz that's what will be cool by then?  I really hope not because not only am I a terrible rollerskater, but I just look ridiculous in them, my feet are way too big.  I can only pray that this will never come true.

If any of you do see me rollerskating next year, please take some Big Daddy initiative and throw a stick in front of me and remind me that no matter what, rollerskating is not cool.  Thanks.

P.S. Is it strange that rollerskating doesn't come up as misspelled in spell check but rollerskate and rollerskater do?  The answer is yes, it is weird.

P.P.S.  I'm shocked that misspelled has 2 S's.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Why Me?

What is it about me that makes people think I care about what they have to say?  It's confusing.  Like do my facial expressions say, "Hey come talk to me and tell me about things that I don't want to know."  Cuz I was positive my facial expressions said, "Shhhhhh!"

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Throwback #4

Here is the 4th and final installment of Facebook note Throwbacks.  Apparently the day I wrote this, I was very upset and decided to take my anger out on a defenseless pathetic species.  So here is Fake Tan Girls.

Stop it! You look absolutely ridiculous. Yes, we all know tans are sexy. But you're taking it way too far. When you're in Boston and you look like you've just vacationed on Venus (thats the hottest planet) u just look like an idiot. You walk around looking like u've just been dipped in liquid bronze, blowing your stupid fake kisses at any camera that is unfortunate enough to be pointed at you. I don't know when being fake became so popular, but im just glad your being consistent. You're fake tan, goes perfectly along with your fake lifestyle, fake education and fake personality.

Oh my god! I just got so worked up again reading that.  They're just such idiots.  I can't figure out what how they could possibly think they look good. 3...2...1... Aright, calming down and we're good. 

Not surprisingly, I could have written this while going to Umass instead of at Tufts because it's just as bad here, if not worse.  It's a complete look - dyed black hair, Ugz,  black pants, orange tan, empty head.  Just stop it, it really is absurd. (I saw someone spell absurd, upsurd the other day. Thinking absurd is spelled upsurd is in itself absurd.)

Well that's all for the Facebook note Throwbacks.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Pizzle.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Triangle Head Donation Update

10 Mother Frankin Doll Hairs (MFDH) from Amy Coleman.  Time to follow the leader to Buttville

Seriously? Let me out.

This is my third post about one single day at Panera Bread.  It was quite the blogtastic day.  So I'm at Panera doing some work on my computer.  I sat down on a bench that had 3 small tables in front of it.  I pulled two tables together to get a big table, leaving one table alone at the end of the bench.  About an hour or so later, two girls sat down at the single table at the end.  They proceeded to take a fourth table and place it in between their single table and the two tables that I am occupying.

By doing this, they have created two large tables with maybe 1.5 inches in between them.  So essentially, they have just pinned me into the corner of Panera Bread.  I'm not sure if they just didn't see me or if they're just a bunch of jerks but now if I want to get out I have to ask two of them to get up so I can slide down this 12 foot bench.  I guess if I really wanted to be non-confrontational, I could slide under my table to get out.

The most absurd part about this was that there were open tables everywhere in there.  There was absolutely no reason for them to trap me inside there.    Maybe they were on a scavenger hunt and it was worth 30 points to trap a purebred Armenian in a corner of a Panera Bread.  Pretty bizarre scavenger hunt...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Triangle Head Donation Update

10 Mother Frank Doll Hairs from Nikki Jost and 15 MFDH from Parker Knox.  What what in the butt! I said what what in the butt!

What Are The Odds

So about a month ago, I wrote about how I think it's strange that girls pee together in the post A Strange Partnership.  This post was inspired by watching two pairs of girls go into the bathroom together while waiting in line at the Monkey Bar.  In the post, I made this point. "Guys never do this, ever.  Unless we're at a party or something and we all just go pee in the toilet, shower and sink that the same time..."

So a few weeks ago, I was at Monkey Bar again waiting to go number 1.  I was standing in line and some kid asked me, "You in line?" I said, "Yup!"  The kid in the bathroom finally walks out and that kid who asked if I was in line opened the door for me, and I thought, well that's weird but ok.  Then, he just nonchalantly walks in to this single bathroom along with me.  Mind you, I've never met this kid before and "Yup," was the only word I've ever spoken to him.  Luckily there was both a urinal and a toilet in the bathroom so it wasn't too weird.  The kid says to me, "Take your pick," and I thought, what the hell, let's do it. 

Then! Just as the door was closing, this black guy jumped into the bathroom and goes, "I'll go in the sink man! I don't care!"  Well okay! Welcome to the party.  So there we are, 3 random guys, all peeing at the same time, one of us just having written about how this never happens at bars.  I didn't know whether I should be mad at myself for calling girls out for doing this or amazed that it actually happened, especially with 2 randos.

I guess that's a big difference tho.  No girl would ever do that with another random girl, and definitely not 2 girls. Oh well. I guess we're best friends now?

P.S. Make sure to vote in the new poll.
P.P.S.  I'm not wearing socks right now, but you already knew that didn't you?

Monday, March 22, 2010

And We're Back/Poll #15

Well, I'm glad to see that you all survived my hiatus.  It's been a very long time since I posted and unfortunately, I'm not coming back with anything eventful to tell you about my spring break. Unless you count me reading a book about the sports industry, my assumption is that you don't count that...

Anyway, I'd like to quickly comment on the poll from last week.  It was nice to get some honesty from you guys.  Isn't it nice that you can admit that once in a while, you sneak a finger up there and check out what's going on?  I'm curious if anyone actually will count this week to see if they were accurate with their vote or not.  I know I will.  I'm going to just stick every boogie I find to a piece of paper and keep it in my wallet this week, then count them up at the end of the weak.  Pretty solid plan.

So that's all for me. I'm starting my 8 AM class right now so I'm outta here!  Tune in tomorrow for a nice little post and a new poll.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Triangle Head Donation Update

Evan Olesh has kindly donated $10 towards me getting inked up.  What a great guy.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Its Spring Break

Well, it's spring break finally!  I had 4 midterms/finals this week and I'm absolutely exhausted.  I started drinking at 2 PM today while watching Welcome to Mooseport starring Gene Hackman and Ray Romano.  I'm currently at drinking beer #19 and I decided that spring break = blog break as well.  So I am officially on hiatus until March 22.  I hope you guys survive it.  Don't you worry.  I'll be keeping track of anything blog worthy that happens over the next 10 days.  I love you guys. See you soon.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Riduculous Story of the Year: Elbow Deep in Trouble

So this past weekend, I was down in Washington, D.C. for a sports industry conference with 9 of my classmates.  We stayed at our friend's mother's house and let me just say, this house was very nice.  There were a couple Lexi (plural for Lexus) in the drive way, nice furniture, flat screens, classy everything everywhere.  So, we did our best to not mess this place up.  We were able to do that for about 8 hours, then it all went to hell.

We had our alarms set for 6 am Friday morning so we could get ready for the conference.  At 6:03 am, my friend, Shmevan runs into the room all of the guys slept in and says, "I need a plunger!"  You just know, any day that starts off like that is either going to be the best day ever or the worst day ever, depending on if you're the person in need of a plunger or not.

So Shmevan goes upstairs and asks for a plunger, he comes back down and goes to down on the toilet... 5 minutes later and there still is a brown stew sitting in the toilet almost pouring over the rim.  So the plunger isn't working and this problem needs to be fixed.   What's the next logical move?  Reach in bare handed and see if you can clear the mess yourself.  That's exactly what Shmevan did.  Turns out this was a monster dookie.  So Shmevan now has a ridiculously clogged toilet and two arms that are speckled with poopie up to his elbow.  GROSS.

Shmevan washes his hands and arms and waits for his next great idea to pop into his head. Boom! And there it is!  He proceeds to grab two empty bottles of water and starts filling them up with toilet juice and pouring it into the sink.  This just keeps getting better.  I just keep popping my head in to A) see his lack of progress B) make fun of him C) watch the nervous sweat pour down his face.  So now we've got a clogged toilet with no water in it, a sink that just had shit in it, and Shmevans horricly gross arms.  How could this get any better?

How about flushing the toilet and not shutting off the water before it overflows.  Perfect!  So, now there's putrid brown water pouring over the edge of the toilet that Shmevan is now cleaning up with a borrowed towel.  What else could Shmevan possibly ruin in this house?

So eventually, Shmevan gets the water back down to the bottom of the bowl.  He shuts off the water and decides to leave it like this until we get back with a new plunger (AKA 14 hours from now after the conference.)

So the end of the day rolls around, we've all been having a good laugh about it until the girl's mom, whose house we're staying at, calls our friend and says, "I see you guys had some toilet problems this morning."  She goes on to tell her that the toilet overflowed again without anyone around and now all of the carpeting outside the bathroom got wet.  Luckily she dried the poop soup soaked carpet with some space heaters and I'm assuming 4 cans of Febreeze.

Shmevan eventually shows up 4 hours later with a new plunger in his gross hands.  Bottom Line: If you've got ridiculously thick toilet paper and thin plumbing,  do not let Shmevan Shmolesh in your house.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's Time to Go so Shut It!

There are some things that we learn growing up that we assume everyone has learned and will live by.  One of these things was that, at the end of class, you never ask the teacher about homework if she hasn't already assigned it.  Like seriously? I will throw my chocolate milk at you at recess!

The reason I bring this up is because I've run into this again, but its the graduate school version of it.  Once we get to college, every class has a syllabus so we never have to wonder about homework. But, in high school, we  had bells that ring at the end of class that say, you can leave now no matter what the teacher is doing.  In college/grad school, this is not the case.  You leave when the professor is done talking.  Nothing infuriates me more than a student asking an in depth question with like 15 seconds left in class.

The teacher is packing up, you're zipping up your bag, you're putting your pants back on, and then all of a sudden, Jerky McFatface raises his hand and asks, "So if technology is changing the face of the industry, then what is the current outlook of board of directors of the hospital and how is it revolutionizing their search for quality employees?"  Oh! That's frankin awesome!  Here comes a 20 minute explanation.  That's 20 minutes I could have used to play Oregon Trail.  And you know, even though this question isn't relevant to anything you've talked about, you can't leave because you'd look like a huge Dbag. 

For realsies, when class is about to end, shut your mouth and save your stupid ass questions for office hours.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

That Didn't Just Happen

Okay, this is just mind blowing.  I walk into the bathroom at Panera Bread, and this guy walks in like 10 seconds later.  I'm standing there going number 1 and he says "Oh! You're hats on backwards."  Well ok? That's weird and it really doesn't warrant a response so I didn't say anything.  He walks into the stall and continues, "You know, they're going to bring the draft back according to the pentagon and guys who wear there hats backwards are going to go first because the Taliban won't know if you're coming or going."

Seriously?  If it wasn't already awkward enough, the guy lets out a monster fart followed by a grunt.  WHAT! This is against all bathroom protocol.  No talking to strangers while doing number 2.  Then he went on to tell me about how when he was in Vietnam, he would take a dead "Gook" and put a helmet on him and move him around to draw enemy fire.  WHAT THE FUCK! I don't even know this guy and he's dropping racial bombs all over the place.  Not cool man.

I just didn't know what was going on.  He goes on to talk about how he interviewed guys from WWII about the Nazis they were fighting.  Mind you, this whole time, I haven't said anything in response to him.  Then another guy walks in to the bathroom and this guy is still going on about Nazis!

Awesome, now this new guy thinks that I have been involved in a conversation about killing Nazis.  I look at him and give like a , "I dunno what this guy is talking about."  He just stared at me.  Well this is even more awkward now.  I just got the hell out of there.

After I left, I wondered if that guy just kept talking to his new bathroom partner.  I bet he did.

Support My Boys!

As most of you know, I'm an absolutely stud on the baseball field.  I once threw such a perfect strike, that the entire opposing team broke down in tears and then had a synchronized orgasm.  Anyway, during the summers I play for a team by the name of the Braintree White Sox.  As a matter of fact, you all know the GM of the team actually.  He is none other than PJ Thompson, the WHAT Hall of Famer who was both WHAT's 3,000th and 10,000th hit.  So, this year, the team is holding a fundraiser to help with costs.

It will be held on Friday March 26 at Trinity in Boston.  Tickets are $25 and that includes the cover, two drink tickets, and a raffle ticket.  Raffle prizes to this point include:

-Autographed bat from Matt Tolbert, infielder for the Minnesota Twins
-Autographed ball from Joey Martinez, RHP for the S.F. Giants
-Pair of Red Sox Tickets (game to be announced)
- $100 gift card to the Bambara restaurant at the Hotel Marlow in Cambridge

More raffle tickets can be bought at the bar as well.  So for anyone in the Boston area that likes to get drunk, touch girls, and win Red Sox tickets, I suggest you show the fuck up.  Refer to Lets Get Drunk...Or Whatever You Call It so see all of the ways to describe how drunk we will be.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Poll #14

Well looks like we had another fart of a poll.  Homeless Make Out won out over Eating a Urinal Cake 22-12.  I really am surprised by this.  Homeless people are gross!  Who the hell knows what they got in their mouth.  I once watch a homeless guy outside of a bar in Brighton licking the sidewalk.  Really? Come on!

Urine is sterile! And who doesn't like cake!? U guys really boned me on this one.  This is the first time we haven't agreed in like 5 weeks.  We had such a good roll going.

And another thing! Bums eat out of the garbage.  And Bums poop in the garbage. So Bums eat poop.  And you made out with him.  So you ate poop! 100 times worse than eating cake with urine frosting.  Gross.  Get off me.

P.S.  In case you didn't notice.  WHAT got it's first big donation.  Liz Clancy, originally of Canton, MA, dropped a solid $5 on WHAT's head and said "Take that Adam's Butt!"

P.P.S Vote in the New Poll.

P.P.P.S Don't not vote.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

He Killed 1 Bird with 2 Stones

So as I entered the men's room today, another man, probably in his 60's walked in with me.  Never a good sign.  Anyway, I was doing number one, keeping to myself and then it got weird.  I don't know if you read it earlier in Battle of the Silent Poop, but i discussed how most people try to stay as quiet as possible in the bathroom.  Today, this was not the case.

This guy grabbed a seat in the stall next to me and went directly to Gastown.  So he's having a grand ole time, farting up a storm.  Then he stands up and I'm thinkin, well that was fast and strange because I don't think he actually "did anything" in there if you know what I mean.

Then to my surprise, he turns around and starts to pee.  Hmm... Now this I have a tough time trying to explain.  Why did he not pee while sitting down?  Why didnt he just pee standing up and release that exorbitant amount of gas?  Did he notice how much he had to pee exactly between the time he started standing up and the time he finished standing up?  I dunno about you, but I just thought this was very strange.

 PS Did you guys get my title? Pretty funny right? I know.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Triangle Head on My Butt Fo Sho

So, as I mentioned last week, I added a donation widget to WHAT so that all of you WHAT fans can donate and make me a rich man.  I also informed you last week that I would set up some sort of goal for the donations to reach and if it did I would do something crazy. Well it's been decided.

When WHAT reaches $150.00 American currency in donations, I will get a tattoo of Triangle Head on my butt.  It will be a picture of him with a hat ripping as he tries to put it on his head.  Like this:

The tattoo will be approximately 3 inches tall so this will be legit. Notice that I didn't say "If we reach 100," I said "When," because I know you guys will come through. We are already $0.01 towards our goal so we just need $99.99 more.  I will set up a progress bar to let you guys know how close we are getting.

Keep in mind this will be my first tat ever.  Who knows.  I might even get some sleeves done while I'm there.  Any sizable donations (any over $3) will be announced to the world to show my
gratification.  Let's get this shit done.  Over and out.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Need Some Advice at Panera!!!

So the other day, I was at Panera and I thought I'd have some fun with my friends on Gchat.  There was a very attractive young lady standing next to me and it inspired me to ask my friends how I should go about picking them up.  Here's what I got for responses.  

FIRST UP: Shmatrick (name change)

Me: theres a hot girl next to me at Panera! What do I do?
Shmatrick: order a cheddar broccoli soup and spill in on your lap....then cry
Me: done.  Now wat?
Shmatrick: be inconsolable - then lie down on her table, shove all of the food off, ball up, and keep crying
Me: nice
Shmatrick: Grief is nature's strongest aphrodisiac
I actually talked to Shmatrick about that tactic the next day, and I think he might actually believe that grief is the strongest aphrodisiac.  Pretty stupid if you ask me.  Clearly it's card tricks.  

NEXT: Shmeven (name change)
Me: theres a hot girl next to me at Panera. What do I do?
Shmeven: ask her if she wants some man mayo with her sandwich.  Hey-OOOOH!!!
Me: done. now what ?

…Well, it turns out that was the end of the move. I can't really tell if I'm supposed to say "Hey Oh!" or if Shmeven was just really impressed with himself.  You may think to yourself, "there really isn't much to this approach."  But then again, it really wasn’t very in depth or complicated.  I guess if she says yes then I deliver on my offer and if she says no, then I go back to reading Highlights. 

FINALLY: ShmeeJ (name change)

Me: theres a hot girl next to me at Panera. What do I do?
ShmeeJ: grab her butt 
Me: done. now what?
ShmeeJ: call her a slut and tell her you think she loves it in the ass.
Me: done. now what?
ShmeeJ: they love that shit.  now just take her home and hit her in the ass.  Game, set, match.
Me: like punch her in the butt?  okay.
ShmeeJ: no, insert your penis into her anal cavity
Me: Oh. That makes more sense.
ShmeeJ: let me know how it goes

Wow.   Let that one sink in for a second.  Now clearly this one was the most aggressive strategy out of the 3.  But I have to give ShmeeJ some credit.  Not only did he try to wrap it up with a solid, “Game, set, match,”  but he was also the only one interested in the results.  Finally, he was able to clarify his hip phrasing into more understandable directions in pretty basic anatomic terms.   

 I just wanna thank you guys for giving me this solid advice and trying to help me get laid.  You were much more helpful than my other friend who actually yelled at me for asking him and that I should man up and that I'm going to be creepy in 3 years.  Is that true?  Is there a creepy age threshold that I am approaching?  I hope not for my self esteem's sake.

Monday, March 1, 2010

How Did the Conversation Get Here?

So a couple weeks ago, we were at a bowling alley for our program's Thursday Night Out.  I got bored and decided to go chat up the trashy bartender.  The conversation was going splendidly, making fun of people and drinkin beers.  I learned a few minutes into the convo that she had a husband and two kids.  A little young to have two kids but to be honest, it didn't really surprise me as I assumed she was putting out in elementary school.

Anyway, a couple minutes later, one of the other bartenders came by and started discussing how she was going to get her nipple pierced.  Usually, if the girl is even somewhat attractive, that would be a fun conversation to have.  This was not the case. 

Then the conversation took a sharp turn.  The bartender, with whom I had been talking to for about 5 minutes then says in these exact words, "My husbands got a piercing through his cock."  Oh... Well... I didn't really know what to say to that but it didn't matter because before I could speak she told me, "I made him take it out because it kept cutting me."

At this point, I'm pretty sure me and this bartender would qualify as best friends.  I mean we've talked about both her and her husband's special parts.  I decided to just empathize with her.  "Oh ya, I can imagine."  No I cant! Gross.  And by the way, what person who is not filming a porn or in the midst of some nice dirty talk uses the word cock?  Either way, I felt like it was time for me to bring that convo to an end before I learned anymore interesting facts.

Poll #13

Well, clearly, there were some issues with the last poll since we had a blowout in favor of Never tasting again, 30-9.  I really franked this one up.  At first it was No Taste Ever or Blind for A Year.  Right off the bat it was 6-0 Blind.  So, not wanting a terrible poll on my hands, I switched it to Blind for 5 Years.  Mistake! Clearly.  I think I may have made too big of a jump from 1 to 5.  My B.  Oh well.

So, after my last blowout poll, my cousin and I decided that if there was any poll that ended up more than 60:40, he would be allowed to come up with the next poll.  So, I offer to you our second guest poll. 

You better think long and hard about this one because they both carry some serious implications.  Take some time and really think this one through. 

P.S. We were so close to getting to the 40 vote mark.  Lets go! I know there are more of you out there not voting, especially an avid reader by the name of Shmamy Shmoleman (name change.)

P.P.S.  I'll be making an announcement this week about the donation goal for WHAT.

P.P.P.S. I've already received one donation.  It was a modest one, but still, 1 cent is more than 0 cents.  It's basic math.

P.P.P.P.S  I had to do this because I've never had post post post post script on any of my posts.